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The new world of data: Challenges and opportunities for the payments ecosystem and fintechs

In March 2024, during the Japan FinTech Festival, a roundtable on "Shaping data policies through cross-border collaborations" debated practical industry and policy issues surrounding the G7 Data Free Flow with Trust (DFTT) Initiative. The roundtable highlighted key considerations for enhancing the free flow of data while balancing policy objectives related to data governance, consumer protection, and the digital economy.

In 2017, The Economist declared data as the new oil. Data would be the source of wealth and power in the 21st century. But like oil, data is not without its challenges - it needs to be collected, classified, processed, stored, transmitted and consumed, all with associated risks and costs.

Data sits the heart of modern payments. It is a centrepiece in the G20 cross border payments agenda. Fintechs see much of the value in payments from data as opposed to transactions revenue, where margins are approaching zero. Data will become increasingly standardised through adoption of the ISO 20022 and LEIs; and likely regulated on a consistent basis, unleashing value that will create cross border payments that are accessible, affordable, transparent and fast.

However, data is more than just payments and governments, policymakers and other industries are also looking at data in terms of giving consumers greater control over their own data, opening up government data to third parties, and enabling e-commerce and global trade in digital goods - all within a context where there is concern over privacy, fraud and national security. 
As the payments and non-payments worlds grapple with make data work better so that value can be unlocked, there is the risk of new silos being created. What are the challenges for the payments ecosystem and fintech sector around reforms in the areas of global trade or open data? What are the opportunities? How do we ensure consistency and alignment in data standards and data regulation across the economy?  


Angela Chee

Angela Chee

Director, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR

Bhupinder Singh

Bhupinder Singh

President, Asia Pacific & Middle East, Vodafone Business

Kalpana Ajayan

Kalpana Ajayan

Regional Head South Asia, Women's World Banking

Kouqing Li

Kouqing Li

Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)

Leila Rwagasana

Leila Rwagasana

Lead, Fintech Secretariat, Rwanda Finance Limited

Masami Inoue

Masami Inoue

Member of Secretariat, FSB

Omar Halabieh

Omar Halabieh

Head of Technology, Amazon Payments Services

Qamar Saleem

Qamar Saleem

Global Head, SME Finance Forum

Richard Pu

Richard Pu

Vice President, Joint General Counsel, Tencent

Saurabh Singhal

Saurabh Singhal

Chief Commercial Officer & Chief FinTech Officer, GIFT City Limited

Sean Lawrence

Sean Lawrence

Vice President, Head of IOWN Development Office, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation


Camilla Bullock

Camilla Bullock

Chief Executive Officer, Emerging Payments Association Asia

Holly Dorber

Holly Dorber

Co-sherpa, Open Data Working Group, Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF)

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