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Sustainability vs affordability: Innovative approaches for a green bottom line

Sustainability is often viewed as an expensive undertaking, with many believing that eco-friendly choices come at a steep price. But in today’s evolving world, is this assumption still true? Can businesses, from startups to established enterprises, integrate sustainability into their models without compromising affordability?
In this panel, we’ll explore the delicate balance between sustainability and affordability, showcasing how businesses are tackling this challenge through innovative approaches and collaboration.
We'll discuss how real, impactful change comes from knowing where your resources are sourced and ensuring that sustainability is woven into every layer of a business model—creating a system that benefits both the planet and the bottom line, driving a circular economy in daily operations.


Ben Gattie

Ben Gattie

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, The Working Capitol

Caroline Struye

Caroline Struye

Country Director, Muuse

Tom Peacock-Nazil

Tom Peacock-Nazil

Chief Executive Officer, Seven Clean Seas

Heather Winsor

Heather Winsor

Senior Sustainability Consultant, Unravel Carbon

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