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Cyber Hygiene

Constellar Holdings Pte Ltd and its subsidiaries (collectively “Group”) is aware that persons unknown have represented themselves to be affiliates, agents, employees, officers, partners and/or representatives of the Group and have offered opportunities to acquire databases of events (whether jointly or singly) managed, owned and/or organised by the Group (“Event Databases”).

The Group does not sell the Event Databases; and all personal data are collected, used and stored by us in accordance with our privacy policies (as published from time to time on our corporate websites).

The public is advised to take notice that these persons are unauthorised and bear no association with the Group. We are closely monitoring the situation and advise the public to be vigilant and exercise all necessary caution and circumspection when approached by anyone purporting to be affiliates, agents, employees, officers, partners and/or representatives of the Group, especially for the sale of Event Databases. If you have been approached by such individuals, please seek verification with us and independent consultation before proceeding further.

The Group disclaims any and all responsibility for any form of loss or damages occasioned directly or indirectly by any form of reliance on the fraudulent representations.
