Where The Global FinTech Community Comes To Network


*NEW* SFF MeetUp

Join The World's Largest FinTech Meetings Programme

SFF MeetUp will facilitate over 20,000 one-on-one meetings. This new initiative is designed to help attendees meet, collaborate, and conduct business efficiently, fostering new partnerships and driving growth opportunities for both individuals and organisations. Don't miss this opportunity to get six months' worth of meetings in just three days!


The top reason why people attend every year is networking.

The Singapore FinTech Festival offers unique networking opportunities, specialised zones, curated streams, programmes, and activities. Whether you're an investor, startup founder, policymaker or new to the industry, you'll find a dedicated space to connect, learn, and engage with like-minded individuals. 




Regulator, Investor and Mentor Office Hours 

In 3 specially curated Lounges, Regulators, Investors and Mentors are dedicating their time for 1:1 meetings with you. You can seek guidance and advice on:

  • Investors: your startup idea and fundraising 
  • Regulators: market entry, licensing and grants 
  • Mentors: business advice, product fit, sales strategy, marketing strategy, careers advice and professional development 


Networking-Happy Hours

Networking Happy Hour


Experience daily happy hours to connect and rub shoulders with industry giants or seize the opportunity to host one on the show floor.


SFF After Hours

We'll take over an iconic location in Singapore and transform it into the ultimate destination for SFF After Hours. Drinks are on us! Mark your calendars and enjoy the open bar followed by two nights of exclusive drink discounts from 6 - 8 November. Don't miss out on the hottest event of the Festival!


"It is absolutely fantastic... I love the energy, (there is) nothing like human contact, nothing like seeing people all around the world coming together for a common purpose. It’s absolutely fantastic."

Taimur Baig, Managing Director and Chief Economist, DBS

Don't miss the opportunity to connect with the industry






Who You'll Meet

  • SFF is a great place to plug into the FinTech ecosystem, meet the industry players, regulators and hear upcoming thoughts and viewpoints.







  • The quality of attendees was spectacular, with industry leaders and knowledgeable newcomers eager to answer my questions and engage in thought-provoking discussion. In some cases, we were able to make synoptic links and come up with ideas on how to integrate two seemingly-separate industries.

  • SFF is a very interesting, informative and motivating event. I feel like everyone has something of their interest and everyone has something to learn, no matter how expert or amateur you are!




