Yap Aye Wee

Yap Aye Wee

Head, Group Learning & Transformation, Group Human Resources, OCBC Bank

Aye Wee is not a classic HR professional, having traversed corporate life with the passion of an intrepid adventurer. She had a 15-year career in Singapore Airlines, building a portfolio of skills through roles in Corporate Sales, Product Innovation and Loyalty Management. She made the leap into the banking industry 14 years ago and has headed up Service Transformation, led a 400-strong team of dedicated Contact Centre professionals across Singapore and Malaysia, dabbled as a Data Protection Officer and is now Head of the OCBC Campus from where she has been developing and testing the blueprint for a Learning Organisation and of Workforce Transformation where she is concerned with the future of work, workforce and workplace in Industry 4.0.

She believes that lasting change comes through the creation of an ecosystem where employees, corporations and the public service come together to forge thought leadership and create a learning nation. She is advisor to the IHRP Learning and Development Committee and member of the IHRP Professional Practices Committee. She also sits on the IBF Future Skills Accelerator Steering Committee, the SSG-IHRP Skills Advisory Panel, and the Leadership Advisory Board of Harvard Business Publishing.

She also believes that the world was not meant for just humans and is grateful for a bio-diverse home ecosystem teeming with plants, birds, bats, toads, shrews, 3 rabbits and 2 dogs.

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