Benjamin McCarron

Benjamin McCarron

Founder & Managing Director, Asia Research and Engagement

Benjamin McCarron founded Asia Research & Engagement (ARE) in 2013. Headquartered in Singapore and with a team in Beijing and India, ARE is a foundation funded company working to catalyse corporate change through investor-backed engagement to advance a sustainable and compassionate Asia. ARE’s main themes are energy transition and food /protein transition, where they are supported by investors representing more than US$ 8 trillion.

Benjamin was an equity fund manager before transitioning to sustainable investments in 2005. He has written extensively about sustainability in Asia, since moving to the region in 2011. His report Banking Asia’s Future covered the approaches leading regional banks are taking to address climate change. He has published four blue books with CLSA covering animal proteins, palm oil, climate change in Malaysia, and how to create an ESG framework. He was also the Malaysia and Thailand chapter author of the Asian Corporate Governance Association’s (ACGA) biennial CG Watch publication.

Benjamin possesses extensive experience in corporate engagement. In 2023, he led his team to create 12 impactful stories of change across diverse sectors.

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