Richard Jeo

Dr Richard Jeo

Chief Field Officer, Conservation International

Here’s a refined version of the bio:

Dr. Richard Jeo leads Conservation International’s efforts in the Asia-Pacific region, overseeing strategies and programs across 16 countries. He plays a key role in shaping the organization's engagement with international and regional networks, fostering impactful partnerships with both the private and public sectors to drive lasting benefits for people and nature.

With over 25 years of experience in NGO leadership, conservation finance, and science, Richard brings a wealth of expertise to his role. He earned his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the California Institute of Technology in 1998. Prior to joining Conservation International, he contributed to conservation initiatives around the world, from Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest and Namibia’s deserts to Montana’s Crown of the Continent.

Currently, his work in the Asia-Pacific region focuses on initiatives such as realizing the vision of Indonesia’s Blue Halo S, forging partnerships with Ancestral Domains in Palawan, Philippines, and advancing conservation finance for Fiji’s Lau Seascape.

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