The curation of content and speakers was wholly managed by Kaleido and does not reflect the views of the organisers or its staff.
The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is now widely adopted and has enabled many innovative solutions and popular token standards to be offered in financial services. However, a major hurdle to scalable institutional use cases has been a lack of suitable privacy solutions native to the environment.
Meet Paladin - a new open-source framework that delivers next-generation enterprise-grade privacy in a truly EVM-native manner. Learn about how Paladin has solved for new composable private token types, programmable EVM workflows via privacy groups, and atomic interoperability.
This session will also showcase practical examples of how Paladin is a gamechanger for institutional use cases, drawing on Project Guardian as a case study.
GFTN Insights
Workshop Room 1, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Level 4