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CCB – SWUFE 2024 Fintech Forum

The curation of content and speakers was wholly managed by China Construction Bank Singapore and does not reflect the views of the organisers or its staff.

Fintech and sustainability: when responsible finance meets academic wisdom 

China Construction Bank Singapore and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), a leading university renowned for its research and contribution to Fintech in China, are pleased to bring forth a group of distinguished speakers and guests to share innovative ideas and trends in Fintech and Sustainability. The Forum will feature Sir Oliver Hart, winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics with his insights on the future of CSR and ESG.

CCB and SWUFE will share how Fintech is deployed to deal with a set of nuanced challenges in compliance practices. Thought leaders from academic institutions, regulators and new energy industries will share their expertise in paving the way forward shaping a sustainable future. The forum will also serve as a platform for participants to exchange ideas and explore future collaborations.


Sun Nianbei

Sun Nianbei

General Manager, China Construction Bank Singapore

Leong Sing Chiong

Leong Sing Chiong

Deputy Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Prof. Li Zhisheng

Prof. Li Zhisheng

Vice President, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Sir Oliver Hart

Sir Oliver Hart

Professor, Harvard University

Pamela Mar

Pamela Mar

Managing Director, Digital Standards Initiative, International Chamber of Commerce

Prof. Robert Anderson

Prof. Robert Anderson

Director, UC Berkeley Center for Risk Management Research, University of California, Berkeley

Alex Toh

Alex Toh

Legal Counsel and Assistant Chief Manager of Compliance, China Construction Bank Singapore Branch

Prof. Zhilong Xie

Prof. Zhilong Xie

Associate Professor, School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Prof. Zheng Yu

Prof. Zheng Yu

Associate Professor, School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Lionel Wong

Lionel Wong

Head, Green FinTech Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Prof. Zhao Jingmei

Prof. Zhao Jingmei

Executive Vice Dean, School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Dr Lingyun Gu

Dr Lingyun Gu

Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, IceKredit

Vinothan Tulisi Nathzan

Vinothan Tulisi Nathzan

Counsellor (Investment), Malaysia Investment Development Authority

Yap Poh Seng

Yap Poh Seng

Chief Commercial Officer, China Construction Bank, Singapore

Stephen Lim

Stephen Lim

Chief Executive Officer, FathomX Pte Ltd

Hongzhi Wang

Hongzhi Wang

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, YTD Info

Roland Wee

Roland Wee

Chairman, Somatic Health Holdings Pte. Ltd

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