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AI policymaking: The toughest job in the world?

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve at breakneck pace and permeate more aspects of society and our daily lives, policymakers globally are faced with the extraordinary challenges of navigating its complex landscape. Industrial era policymaking frameworks are ill-equipped to address the intricate issues posed by AI. AI is likely a reset for policymaking per se. The stakes are just too high. 
So, how can policymakers make policies that address all the following at the same time: 
- Ensure AI is trustable, fair and safe.  
- Drive clear accountability.  
- Foster innovation.  
- Encourage R&D.  
- Protect IP and rights of developers.  
- Address fair and equitable access to critical resources. 
- Ring-fence effects of worsening geo-politics. 
- Make cross-border interoperability possible. 
This special keynote highlights the top 3 policymaking challenges at hand and suggests ways to solve for them. 

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