This roundtable aims to explore the critical policies and technologies necessary for fostering interoperable and harmonised digital commerce between India and ASEAN nations.
As digital commerce continues to evolve, the need for effective frameworks that facilitate seamless cross-border transactions becomes increasingly vital. This session will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, and technology experts to identify actionable strategies that can enhance digital commerce, ensuring that it is inclusive, secure, and efficient.
Key Discussion Points:
1. Identify the gaps in current regulations, policies and innovation to create a harmonised framework for digital commerce between India and ASEAN. What are the best practices that can facilitate interoperability across different digital platforms?
2. What more is to be done to advance cross-border digital payments and e-invoicing systems?
3. What is the importance of establishing secure and efficient payment gateways and the role of e-invoicing in streamlining processes and reducing transaction costs in cross-border trade?
4. With an increase in cross-border data flows, what measures need to be implemented to ensure data protection and protection from cyber attacks?
5. The discussion will explore concerns around Digital Identity and Authentication.
In partnership with IIM Alumni SG
GFTN Insights
Roundtable Room 3, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Level 4