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AB Xelerate

ABX serves as Arab Bank's Corporate Innovation & Venture Capital (CVC) unit, conducting global early-stage investments & strategic collaborations with startups whose value proposition has the potential to improve Arab Bank's business processes, its customer relationships, & infrastructure. A key pillar in Arab Banks digital innovation strategy, ABX was set up in 2018 as a core unit within the Innovation Department. It demonstrates Arab Bank's commitment to harness innovation & financial technology, which are swiftly pushing financial services to a new frontier. ABX leverages Arab Bank's customer base & network across MENA & integrates innovative financial solutions into its value chain to re-imagine & improve the way it serves its customers.
(SizeLimitingPyMap: {booth=5k17, company_name=AB Xelerate, content=ABX serves as Arab Bank's Corporate Innovation & Venture Capital (CVC) unit, conducting global early-stage investments & strategic collaborations with startups whose value proposition has the potential to improve Arab Bank's business processes, its customer relationships, & infrastructure. A key pillar in Arab Banks digital innovation strategy, ABX was set up in 2018 as a core unit within the Innovation Department. It demonstrates Arab Bank's commitment to harness innovation & financial technology, which are swiftly pushing financial services to a new frontier. ABX leverages Arab Bank's customer base & network across MENA & integrates innovative financial solutions into its value chain to re-imagine & improve the way it serves its customers., country=Jordan, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, facebook=https:/, hs_createdate=1730463484127, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569155684, hs_object_id=19184360583, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19184360583, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], instagram=, linkedin=, logo_image_url=, product_and_service=[Challenger or Neobank, Commercial or Corporate Bank, Embedded Finance & BAAS, Retail Bank, SME Banking, Venture Capital, Private Equity or Other Investor], product_and_service_v2=[Challenger_or_Neobank, Commercial_or_Corporate_Bank, Embedded_Finance_BAAS, Retail_Bank, SME_Banking, Venture_Capital_Private_Equity_or_Other_Investor], product_and_services_oem_data=Challenger or Neobank; Commercial or Corporate Bank; Embedded Finance & BAAS; Retail Bank; SME Banking; Venture Capital, Private Equity or Other Investor, product_name_1=ABX Strategic Collaborations, product_name_2=ABX Early-Stage Investments, product_shortcut_1=ABX facilitates strategic partnerships, integrations, & joint ventures between innovative startups or tech companies & Arab Bank Group. These collaborations enable startups to leverage Arab Bank’s extensive network, customer base, & infrastructure to scale their operations while introducing disruptive solutions that enhance Arab Bank’s business processes & customer offerings. By aligning with FinTech & Tech startups, ABX fosters digital transformation within the bank, ensuring its continuous evolution in response to rapidly changing market dynamics. The goal is to unlock mutual value, re-imagine financial services, & push innovation to new frontiers. Hence our slogan: Integrating Innovation, Accelerating Growth., product_shortcut_2=ABX actively invests in early-stage FinTech & Tech startups, typically those at post-seed, post-traction, & post-revenue stages, up to Series A. Serving as Arab Bank's corporate venture capital arm, ABX strategically funds startups whose value proposition complements or aligns with Arab Bank’s digital innovation strategy, with a focus on transformative technologies & scalable solutions. ABX provides not only capital but also strategic support by integrating these startups into Arab Bank’s operations, offering them access to Arab Bank’s vast network across MENA. This approach positions startups for rapid growth, while also enhancing Arab Bank’s digital capabilities, customer experiences, & financial infrastructure., record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=abxelerate, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=AB Xelerate, sort_type=A, status=Active, twitter=, unique_reference_number=EX10424, website=, zone=NA}) ABX Strategic Collaborations ABX facilitates strategic partnerships, integrations, & joint ventures between innovative startups or tech companies & Arab Bank Group. These collaborations enable startups to leverage Arab Bank’s extensive network, customer base, & infrastructure to scale their operations while introducing disruptive solutions that enhance Arab Bank’s business processes & customer offerings. By aligning with FinTech & Tech startups, ABX fosters digital transformation within the bank, ensuring its continuous evolution in response to rapidly changing market dynamics. The goal is to unlock mutual value, re-imagine financial services, & push innovation to new frontiers. Hence our slogan: Integrating Innovation, Accelerating Growth. ABX Early-Stage Investments ABX actively invests in early-stage FinTech & Tech startups, typically those at post-seed, post-traction, & post-revenue stages, up to Series A. Serving as Arab Bank's corporate venture capital arm, ABX strategically funds startups whose value proposition complements or aligns with Arab Bank’s digital innovation strategy, with a focus on transformative technologies & scalable solutions. ABX provides not only capital but also strategic support by integrating these startups into Arab Bank’s operations, offering them access to Arab Bank’s vast network across MENA. This approach positions startups for rapid growth, while also enhancing Arab Bank’s digital capabilities, customer experiences, & financial infrastructure.

Products and Services

Products and Services Description
ABX Strategic Collaborations ABX facilitates strategic partnerships, integrations, & joint ventures between innovative startups or tech companies & Arab Bank Group. These collaborations enable startups to leverage Arab Bank’s extensive network, customer base, & infrastructure to scale their operations while introducing disruptive solutions that enhance Arab Bank’s business processes & customer offerings. By aligning with FinTech & Tech startups, ABX fosters digital transformation within the bank, ensuring its continuous evolution in response to rapidly changing market dynamics. The goal is to unlock mutual value, re-imagine financial services, & push innovation to new frontiers. Hence our slogan: Integrating Innovation, Accelerating Growth.
ABX Early-Stage Investments ABX actively invests in early-stage FinTech & Tech startups, typically those at post-seed, post-traction, & post-revenue stages, up to Series A. Serving as Arab Bank's corporate venture capital arm, ABX strategically funds startups whose value proposition complements or aligns with Arab Bank’s digital innovation strategy, with a focus on transformative technologies & scalable solutions. ABX provides not only capital but also strategic support by integrating these startups into Arab Bank’s operations, offering them access to Arab Bank’s vast network across MENA. This approach positions startups for rapid growth, while also enhancing Arab Bank’s digital capabilities, customer experiences, & financial infrastructure.