

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is the integrated supervisory authority for the German financial and capital market. We bring together the supervision of banks, financial services providers, insurers and securities trading under one roof. BaFin acts in the public interest. Its main objective is to ensure the proper functioning, stability and integrity of Germanys financial system. Bank customers, insurance policyholders and investors should be able to trust the financial system. Together with our European and international partners, we are creating a single European financial market and setting global standards for supervision and resolution.
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Products and Services

Products and Services Description
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is the integrated supervisory authority for the German financial and capital market. We bring together the supervision of banks, financial services providers, insurers and securities trading under one roof. BaFin acts in the public interest. Its main objective is to ensure the proper functioning, stability and integrity of Germany’s financial system. Bank customers, insurance policyholders and investors should be able to trust the financial system. Together with our European and international partners, we are creating a single European financial market and setting global standards for supervision and resolution.