

BondbloX simplifies bond investing by allowing investors to track & trade bonds electronically, just like stocks. The company, founded in 2016, is led by a team of debt capital market bankers & technologists, spread across Singapore and India, working to realise one vision: Provide easy access to bonds for all investors. The company today offers institutional and individual investors electronic access to full ($200k) and fractional ($1k) corporate and sovereign bonds, including US Treasuries. The BondbloX Bond Exchange is regulated as a Recognised Market Operator by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. BondbloX's institutional investors include Citi and MassMutual Ventures and their global custodians are Citi & Northern Trust.
(SizeLimitingPyMap: {booth=4K31, company_name=BONDBLOX PTE LTD, content=BondbloX simplifies bond investing by allowing investors to track & trade bonds electronically, just like stocks. The company, founded in 2016, is led by a team of debt capital market bankers & technologists, spread across Singapore and India, working to realise one vision: Provide easy access to bonds for all investors. The company today offers institutional and individual investors electronic access to full ($200k) and fractional ($1k) corporate and sovereign bonds, including US Treasuries. The BondbloX Bond Exchange is regulated as a Recognised Market Operator by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. BondbloX's institutional investors include Citi and MassMutual Ventures and their global custodians are Citi & Northern Trust., country=Singapore, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, facebook=https://www.facebook.com/BondbloXBondExchange, hs_createdate=1730463052070, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569156905, hs_object_id=19188603038, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19188603038, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/company/bondblox-bond-exchange/, logo_image_url=https://24345494.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24345494/SFF%202023/Sponsor-Exhibitor/sff-400x200-for-light-bg2024-08-01-09-36-17-Nov-01-2024-12-10-52-6225-PM.png, product_and_service=[Capital Markets, Digital Assets, Financial Training, Trading, Trading & Investments], product_and_service_v2=[Capital_Markets, Digital_Assets, Financial_Training, Trading, Trading_Investments], product_and_services_oem_data=Capital Markets; Digital Assets; Financial Training; Trading; Trading & Investments, record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=bondblox, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=BONDBLOX PTE LTD, sort_type=B, status=Active, twitter=https://x.com/bondalerts, unique_reference_number=EX10175, website=https://bondblox.com/, zone=NA})