CBJ has been established in 1964 as a monetary authority that enjoys an independent and autonomous corporate identity. CBJ works on maintaining the monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom. The main mission of CBJ is maintaining monetary stability represented in the stability of the Jordanian dinar exchange rate, the stability of the general level of prices, and contributing to providing an attractive and stimulating investment environment for sustainable development through providing a convenient interest rate structure and applying micro and macro prudential supervision policies that contribute to achieving banking and financial stability. Also providing a safe and efficient payment environment, promoting financial inclusion, protecting the financial consumer, as well as motivating innovation and business development in the field of secure financial technology. CBJ is committed to promoting innovation in the use of advanced financial technology and emerging digital solutions, enhancing cooperation and aligning communications between parties of fintech ecosystem.
(SizeLimitingPyMap: {booth=5K17, company_name=CENTRAL BANK OF JORDAN, content=CBJ has been established in 1964 as a monetary authority that enjoys an independent and autonomous corporate identity. CBJ works on maintaining the monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom. The main mission of CBJ is maintaining monetary stability represented in the stability of the Jordanian dinar exchange rate, the stability of the general level of prices, and contributing to providing an attractive and stimulating investment environment for sustainable development through providing a convenient interest rate structure and applying micro and macro prudential supervision policies that contribute to achieving banking and financial stability. Also providing a safe and efficient payment environment, promoting financial inclusion, protecting the financial consumer, as well as motivating innovation and business development in the field of secure financial technology. CBJ is committed to promoting innovation in the use of advanced financial technology and emerging digital solutions, enhancing cooperation and aligning communications between parties of fintech ecosystem., country=Jordan, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, facebook=https://www.facebook.com/CentralBankofJordan/, hs_createdate=1730463320565, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569156385, hs_object_id=19216856842, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19216856842, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], instagram=https://www.instagram.com/centralbankofjordan/?igsh=OXB4YXVsb3FkajV0, linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/company/central-bank-of-jordan/, logo_image_url=https://24345494.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24345494/SFF%202023/Sponsor-Exhibitor/cbj%20logo120241003_041223-Nov-01-2024-12-15-21-3561-PM.png, product_and_service=[Central Banks & Regulators], product_and_service_v2=[Central_Banks_Regulators], product_and_services_oem_data=Central Banks & Regulators, product_name_1=Jordan Fintech Vision, product_name_2=JoRegBox, product_name_3=Jo-Fintech, product_shortcut_1=The Central Bank of Jordan has published its vision for Fintech. Its objectives are to enable a thriving fintech ecosystem and propel the growth of the Fintech industry for the benefit of all Jordanians.
This is a useful document for financial authorities seeking to establish a strategy in relation to the fintech sector that is aligned with a jurisdiction's broader aims and objectives., product_shortcut_2=Central Bank of Jordan is committed to promoting innovation in the use of advanced financial technology and emerging digital solutions. One of the key enablers of the Fintech and innovation ecosystem in Jordan is the Regulatory Sandbox for FinTech Innovations in the Financial and Banking Sector (JoRegBox).
The JoRegBox is an experimental environment that is safe, controlled, and monitored, applying a methodology based on risk management. It allows firms with ready-to-launch, innovative financial solutions to test these solutions in the real market with real customers. Targeted activities of the innovative solutions include saving, lending, insurance, payment and electronic transfer of funds, Regtech, Suptech and any digital service that facilitates access to financing and contribute to the digital transformation of the financial sector., product_shortcut_3=As a translation of the Central Bank’s commitments and responsibilities towards achieving these directions. The efforts of the Central Bank, in partnership with its main partners, come through creating an integrated ecosystem to enhance financial innovation and leadership in the Kingdom, by establishing the Jordanian Financial Technology and Innovation hub (Jo-Fintech) at the Central Bank of Jordan.
This initiative is relying for this on the infrastructure and excellent skills of information and communications technology in Jordan, in addition to the political commitment to support financial technology and a strong group of existing institutions that support the growth of Fintech companies, which represents a strong foundation for the development of financial technology in Jordan. The Jordanian environment has great strengths that provide fertile ground for the growth and development of financial technology., record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=centralbankofjordan, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=CENTRAL BANK OF JORDAN, sort_type=C, status=Active, unique_reference_number=EX10308, website=https://www.cbj.gov.jo/Default/EN/, zone=NA})
Jordan Fintech Vision
The Central Bank of Jordan has published its vision for Fintech. Its objectives are to enable a thriving fintech ecosystem and propel the growth of the Fintech industry for the benefit of all Jordanians.
This is a useful document for financial authorities seeking to establish a strategy in relation to the fintech sector that is aligned with a jurisdiction's broader aims and objectives.
Central Bank of Jordan is committed to promoting innovation in the use of advanced financial technology and emerging digital solutions. One of the key enablers of the Fintech and innovation ecosystem in Jordan is the Regulatory Sandbox for FinTech Innovations in the Financial and Banking Sector (JoRegBox).
The JoRegBox is an experimental environment that is safe, controlled, and monitored, applying a methodology based on risk management. It allows firms with ready-to-launch, innovative financial solutions to test these solutions in the real market with real customers. Targeted activities of the innovative solutions include saving, lending, insurance, payment and electronic transfer of funds, Regtech, Suptech and any digital service that facilitates access to financing and contribute to the digital transformation of the financial sector.
As a translation of the Central Bank’s commitments and responsibilities towards achieving these directions. The efforts of the Central Bank, in partnership with its main partners, come through creating an integrated ecosystem to enhance financial innovation and leadership in the Kingdom, by establishing the Jordanian Financial Technology and Innovation hub (Jo-Fintech) at the Central Bank of Jordan.
This initiative is relying for this on the infrastructure and excellent skills of information and communications technology in Jordan, in addition to the political commitment to support financial technology and a strong group of existing institutions that support the growth of Fintech companies, which represents a strong foundation for the development of financial technology in Jordan. The Jordanian environment has great strengths that provide fertile ground for the growth and development of financial technology.
Products and Services
Products and Services |
Description |
Jordan Fintech Vision |
The Central Bank of Jordan has published its vision for Fintech. Its objectives are to enable a thriving fintech ecosystem and propel the growth of the Fintech industry for the benefit of all Jordanians.
This is a useful document for financial authorities seeking to establish a strategy in relation to the fintech sector that is aligned with a jurisdiction's broader aims and objectives. |
JoRegBox |
Central Bank of Jordan is committed to promoting innovation in the use of advanced financial technology and emerging digital solutions. One of the key enablers of the Fintech and innovation ecosystem in Jordan is the Regulatory Sandbox for FinTech Innovations in the Financial and Banking Sector (JoRegBox).
The JoRegBox is an experimental environment that is safe, controlled, and monitored, applying a methodology based on risk management. It allows firms with ready-to-launch, innovative financial solutions to test these solutions in the real market with real customers. Targeted activities of the innovative solutions include saving, lending, insurance, payment and electronic transfer of funds, Regtech, Suptech and any digital service that facilitates access to financing and contribute to the digital transformation of the financial sector. |
Jo-Fintech |
As a translation of the Central Bank’s commitments and responsibilities towards achieving these directions. The efforts of the Central Bank, in partnership with its main partners, come through creating an integrated ecosystem to enhance financial innovation and leadership in the Kingdom, by establishing the Jordanian Financial Technology and Innovation hub (Jo-Fintech) at the Central Bank of Jordan.
This initiative is relying for this on the infrastructure and excellent skills of information and communications technology in Jordan, in addition to the political commitment to support financial technology and a strong group of existing institutions that support the growth of Fintech companies, which represents a strong foundation for the development of financial technology in Jordan. The Jordanian environment has great strengths that provide fertile ground for the growth and development of financial technology. |