
CUbIQ Technologies

CUbIQ Technologies specializes in developing quantum-resistant optical transceivers in industry-standard small form factors. Our innovative technology leverages our expertise in system integration, digital signal processing, quantum information, and photonic integration to deliver a electronic-photonic small from factor integrated QKD transceiver that is fully backward compatible with the current Data Center infrastructure and enables quantum-secure communication with 100x faster secret key distribution speeds against less than 1% of the power consumption of current systems.
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Products and Services

Products and Services Description
QKD transceiver A Quantum Communication transceiver (CV-QKD) that will secure data transmissions by using quantum mechanics. Our low-power electronic-photonic integrated engine leverages analogue processing to achieve quantum secure communication with 100 times the speed and less than 100 times the power usage compared to current transceivers, thereby greatly reducing the carbon footprint of quantum secure encryption.