

Since its inception in 2003, Elane has been at the forefront of maritime technology innovation, leading the digital transformation with customer-centric approach. As a leading provider of maritime technology solutions and services, we fuse cutting-edge technologies like AI and big data with industry practices to enhance marine security, optimize logistics, and manage financial risks. Our dedication to providing robust tech solutions and professional services across various industries has earned us the trust of our customers, and we are committed to be your most reliable maritime technology partner worldwide.
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Our dedication to providing robust tech solutions and professional services across various industries has earned us the trust of our customers, and we are committed to be your most reliable maritime technology partner worldwide., country=Singapore, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, facebook=https://www.facebook.com/globalelane, hs_createdate=1730463707520, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569154911, hs_object_id=19206556239, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19206556239, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/company/elaneglobal/, logo_image_url=https://24345494.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24345494/SFF%202023/Sponsor-Exhibitor/elane%20global%20(400x200)20241022_101521-4.png, product_and_service=[AI & Machine Learning, Banking Technology, Finance Research & Analytics, InsurTech, RegTech], product_and_service_v2=[AI_Machine_Learning, Banking_Technology, Finance_Research_Analytics, InsurTech, RegTech], product_and_services_oem_data=AI & Machine Learning; Banking Technology; Finance Research & Analytics; InsurTech; RegTech, product_name_1=SeaGuard - Maritime Intelligence Platform, product_shortcut_1=SeaGuard is an advanced maritime intelligence platform, offering tailored solutions for three key sectors: Authority, BFSI, and Logistics and Supply Chain. It enhances the capabilities of BSFI sector in managing financial fraud risks, while ensuring compliance with international regulations like anti-money laundering and compliance verification on demand: Authenticity Verification: enables banks to quickly verify the authenticity of bills using real-time ship tracking and logistics data, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions. Trade Background Investigation: The system reveals true shipping trajectories, complicating efforts for money launderers to fabricate trade backgrounds. Sanction Compliance Support: It automatically screens shipping information against sanction lists published by International Orgnazations, preventing transactions with sanctioned entities and identifying high-risk transactions needing further scrutiny. Compliance Reporting: Detailed reports help you document their compliance efforts effectively. Fraud Risk Prevention: By comparing vessel positions with BOL details, it helps validate transaction authenticity and mitigate potential fraud risks. Cargo Status Monitoring: Linking bill numbers to logistics information allows real-time monitoring of cargo status, aiding in credit risk management. Credit Risk Assessment: It provides comprehensive data on vessel positions and cargo status, assisting banks in accurately assessing borrower credit risk and optimizing resource allocation., record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=elaneglobal, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=ELANE GLOBAL, sort_type=E, status=Active, twitter=https://x.com/ElaneGlobal2024, unique_reference_number=EX10588, website=https://www.elaneglobal.com/, zone=NA}) SeaGuard - Maritime Intelligence Platform SeaGuard is an advanced maritime intelligence platform, offering tailored solutions for three key sectors: Authority, BFSI, and Logistics and Supply Chain. It enhances the capabilities of BSFI sector in managing financial fraud risks, while ensuring compliance with international regulations like anti-money laundering and compliance verification on demand: Authenticity Verification: enables banks to quickly verify the authenticity of bills using real-time ship tracking and logistics data, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions. Trade Background Investigation: The system reveals true shipping trajectories, complicating efforts for money launderers to fabricate trade backgrounds. Sanction Compliance Support: It automatically screens shipping information against sanction lists published by International Orgnazations, preventing transactions with sanctioned entities and identifying high-risk transactions needing further scrutiny. Compliance Reporting: Detailed reports help you document their compliance efforts effectively. Fraud Risk Prevention: By comparing vessel positions with BOL details, it helps validate transaction authenticity and mitigate potential fraud risks. Cargo Status Monitoring: Linking bill numbers to logistics information allows real-time monitoring of cargo status, aiding in credit risk management. Credit Risk Assessment: It provides comprehensive data on vessel positions and cargo status, assisting banks in accurately assessing borrower credit risk and optimizing resource allocation.

Products and Services

Products and Services Description
SeaGuard - Maritime Intelligence Platform SeaGuard is an advanced maritime intelligence platform, offering tailored solutions for three key sectors: Authority, BFSI, and Logistics and Supply Chain. It enhances the capabilities of BSFI sector in managing financial fraud risks, while ensuring compliance with international regulations like anti-money laundering and compliance verification on demand: Authenticity Verification: enables banks to quickly verify the authenticity of bills using real-time ship tracking and logistics data, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions. Trade Background Investigation: The system reveals true shipping trajectories, complicating efforts for money launderers to fabricate trade backgrounds. Sanction Compliance Support: It automatically screens shipping information against sanction lists published by International Orgnazations, preventing transactions with sanctioned entities and identifying high-risk transactions needing further scrutiny. Compliance Reporting: Detailed reports help you document their compliance efforts effectively. Fraud Risk Prevention: By comparing vessel positions with BOL details, it helps validate transaction authenticity and mitigate potential fraud risks. Cargo Status Monitoring: Linking bill numbers to logistics information allows real-time monitoring of cargo status, aiding in credit risk management. Credit Risk Assessment: It provides comprehensive data on vessel positions and cargo status, assisting banks in accurately assessing borrower credit risk and optimizing resource allocation.