

Handshakes is a regulatory and data technology company specialising in corporate intelligence solutions which provide businesses with access to official corporate registry data, capital markets as well as litigation information. As the developer of the award-winning Handshakes APP, the platform uncovers connections between individuals and organisations of up to three degrees, allowing professionals in Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit and Investigations to mitigate risks and enhance due diligence checks. At Handshakes, our vision to help clients make safer business decisions remains our key focus and we continually work towards our mission to be the best aggregation and exchange platform for obtaining information on identifiable people, companies and events.
(SizeLimitingPyMap: {booth=4D22, company_name=HANDSHAKES, content=Handshakes is a regulatory and data technology company specialising in corporate intelligence solutions which provide businesses with access to official corporate registry data, capital markets as well as litigation information. As the developer of the award-winning Handshakes APP, the platform uncovers connections between individuals and organisations of up to three degrees, allowing professionals in Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit and Investigations to mitigate risks and enhance due diligence checks. At Handshakes, our vision to help clients make safer business decisions remains our key focus and we continually work towards our mission to be the best aggregation and exchange platform for obtaining information on identifiable people, companies and events., country=Singapore, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, facebook=https://www.facebook.com/handshakes.sg, hs_createdate=1730462883483, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569157309, hs_object_id=19180355386, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19180355386, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/company/handshakes-by-dc-frontiers, logo_image_url=https://24345494.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24345494/SFF%202023/Sponsor-Exhibitor/sff2024-ezone-012024-07-09-03-02-09-Nov-01-2024-12-08-04-2206-PM.png, product_and_service=[AI & Machine Learning], product_and_service_v2=[AI_Machine_Learning], product_and_services_oem_data=AI & Machine Learning, product_name_1=Handshakes APP, product_name_2=Handshakes DATAMART, product_shortcut_1=The flagship product, Handshakes APP, enables users to visualise connections between individuals and companies instantly. Powered by proprietary data analytics technology, the award-winning Handshakes interactive maps unveil relationships up to 3rd degree connections, allowing professionals in Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit and Investigation to draw meaningful insights harnessed from official data., product_shortcut_2=Designed to empower users with easy access to business insights, Handshakes DATAMART is a self-service data portal that serves to generate key corporate and financial information from our database of over 4.6 million companies and businesses in Singapore and Malaysia. Filter up to 70 data points from company incorporation details, shareholding information to company financials and more, the tool scans through our wealth of database to display a detailed list of corporate data to match your business needs., record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=handshakes, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=HANDSHAKES, sort_type=H, status=Active, unique_reference_number=EX10050, website=https://www.handshakes.ai, zone=NA}) Handshakes APP The flagship product, Handshakes APP, enables users to visualise connections between individuals and companies instantly. Powered by proprietary data analytics technology, the award-winning Handshakes interactive maps unveil relationships up to 3rd degree connections, allowing professionals in Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit and Investigation to draw meaningful insights harnessed from official data. Handshakes DATAMART Designed to empower users with easy access to business insights, Handshakes DATAMART is a self-service data portal that serves to generate key corporate and financial information from our database of over 4.6 million companies and businesses in Singapore and Malaysia. Filter up to 70 data points from company incorporation details, shareholding information to company financials and more, the tool scans through our wealth of database to display a detailed list of corporate data to match your business needs.

Products and Services

Products and Services Description
Handshakes APP The flagship product, Handshakes APP, enables users to visualise connections between individuals and companies instantly. Powered by proprietary data analytics technology, the award-winning Handshakes interactive maps unveil relationships up to 3rd degree connections, allowing professionals in Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit and Investigation to draw meaningful insights harnessed from official data.
Handshakes DATAMART Designed to empower users with easy access to business insights, Handshakes DATAMART is a self-service data portal that serves to generate key corporate and financial information from our database of over 4.6 million companies and businesses in Singapore and Malaysia. Filter up to 70 data points from company incorporation details, shareholding information to company financials and more, the tool scans through our wealth of database to display a detailed list of corporate data to match your business needs.