
Knights Analytics

Knights Analytics is an AI data curation software provider already working with top tier banks and organisations in North America and Europe. Our software combines next generation entity resolution with generative AI for financial services clients to automate the curation of their data into a clean, high quality, ready-to-use asset. Easily manage your data, match and merge across systems, integrate external sources, incorporate information from documents, enrich with knowledge hierarchies. No matter your organisation's focus or your sources, clean up, and de-duplicate everything across your data; companies, individuals, products, prospects, concepts, suppliers, and more...
(SizeLimitingPyMap: {booth=6C17, company_name=Knights Analytics, content=Knights Analytics is an AI data curation software provider already working with top tier banks and organisations in North America and Europe. Our software combines next generation entity resolution with generative AI for financial services clients to automate the curation of their data into a clean, high quality, ready-to-use asset. Easily manage your data, match and merge across systems, integrate external sources, incorporate information from documents, enrich with knowledge hierarchies. No matter your organisation's focus or your sources, clean up, and de-duplicate everything across your data; companies, individuals, products, prospects, concepts, suppliers, and more... , country=Netherlands, exhibition_category=Exhibitor, hs_createdate=1730463791103, hs_lastmodifieddate=1731569154593, hs_object_id=19203431556, hs_object_source=INTEGRATION, hs_object_source_detail_1=OEM Integration, hs_object_source_id=1940923, hs_object_source_label=INTEGRATION, hs_pipeline=102713672, hs_pipeline_stage=186575225, hs_updated_by_user_id=68932678, hs_was_imported=true, id=19203431556, individual_page_type=[Exhibitor], linkedin=https://www.linkedin.com/company/knights-analytics/, logo_image_url=https://24345494.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/24345494/SFF%202023/Sponsor-Exhibitor/singapore%20company%20logo%20400%2020020241031_055836-1.png, product_and_service=[AI & Machine Learning, Banking Technology, RegTech], product_and_service_v2=[AI_Machine_Learning, Banking_Technology, RegTech], product_and_services_oem_data=AI & Machine Learning; Banking Technology; RegTech, product_name_1=Alchemia, product_shortcut_1=Our platform uses advanced machine learning algorithms and next generation vector-based entity resolution to match and merge complex and imperfect data across all sources and systems and enrich it with hierarchies, semantics, or external datasets. The software is easy to deploy, simple to configure and change. It is used by large financial institutes across the globe to solve various complex data problems and achieve better business outcomes by automating data curation., record_type=[Exhibitor], sff_path=knightsanalytics, sff_sponsor_and_exhibitor_name=Knights Analytics, sort_type=K, status=Active, unique_reference_number=EX10674, website=https://www.knightsanalytics.com/, zone=NA}) Alchemia Our platform uses advanced machine learning algorithms and next generation vector-based entity resolution to match and merge complex and imperfect data across all sources and systems and enrich it with hierarchies, semantics, or external datasets. The software is easy to deploy, simple to configure and change. It is used by large financial institutes across the globe to solve various complex data problems and achieve better business outcomes by automating data curation.

Products and Services

Products and Services Description
Alchemia Our platform uses advanced machine learning algorithms and next generation vector-based entity resolution to match and merge complex and imperfect data across all sources and systems and enrich it with hierarchies, semantics, or external datasets. The software is easy to deploy, simple to configure and change. It is used by large financial institutes across the globe to solve various complex data problems and achieve better business outcomes by automating data curation.