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Jennifer Carroll MacNeill

Dr Jennifer Carroll MacNeill

Minister for Financial Services, TD, Department of Finance, Government of Ireland

Jennifer Carroll MacNeill is Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for Financial Services, Credit Unions and Insurance. She was appointed to this role in December 2022.
She is a TD* for the Dún Laoghaire Constituency, elected in February 2020. She is Vice Chair of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party and Spokesperson for Equality. She is also Vice Chair of the Justice Committee as well as being a member of the Public Accounts Committee and the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Committee. She was also a member of the Special Dáil Committee on Covid prior to its disbandment into sectoral Committees.
Previously she was a Councillor for the Killiney-Shankill ward. Since first being elected as a public representative, she has prioritised families experiencing homelessness and domestic abuse awareness. She has supported, and personally assisted a number of homeless women with small children to find appropriate accommodation. She has also worked closely with Coercive Control Ireland to raise awareness of this issue. Coercive Control became a criminal offence in January 2019.
Since being elected as a TD, she has continued to work for her constituents at a national level, drawing on her decade of experience working in Government on policy and legislation. Reducing carbon emissions by protecting and developing public transport facilities and better recycling and waste management are also part of her local agenda.
*TD is an acronym for “Teachta Dála”, the representative name for the elected members of Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament)

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