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Juanita Woodward

Juanita Woodward

Founder, Connecting the Dots

I am the Founder of Connecting the Dots, a Singapore-based boutique consultancy launched in 2014, focusing on Digital and lnclusive Financial Services projects. Previously, I have held regional and global Transaction Banking roles at Citi, ABN AMRO, and Standard Chartered Bank in Transaction Banking, as well as senior roles at global payment networks, WorldRemit and Eurogiro.

I am passionate about women's empowerment. ln 2021, AmCham Singapore presented me with the Hero Award Trailblazer of the Year award for my continuous women's empowerment leadership since the early '90s. I was acknowledged for my roles as Founding President of the PrimeTime Business and Professional Women's Association, Co-Founder of BoardAgender, Advisor to the Women in Business club at the NUS Business School, and development work in emerging markets to bring greater financial inclusion to women.

Over the years, I have enjoyed my time mentoring including participation as a Mentor in Startup Accelerators with Visa, Google and 500 Startups. I would be delighted to participate in the Pay it Forward mentor program at SFF !

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