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Burkhard Balz

Burkhard Balz

Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank

Burkhard Balz has served on the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank since Sep­tember 2018. He is responsible for the Directorate General Payments and Settlement Sys­tems, Cash Management and the Directorate General Economic Education, University and International Central Bank Dialogue. From 2009 up until joining the Bundesbank, Mr Balz, who is a law graduate and trained bank clerk, was a Member of the European Parliament, where he sat on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and served as the finan-cial policy spokesman of the European People’s Party (EPP) between 2014 and 2018. In his role as European Parliament rapporteur, Mr Balz presented reports on, inter alia, Latvia’s ac-cession to the euro area, the Solvency II Directive, and regulations pertaining to the Euro-pean Supervisory Authorities. From 2014 to 2018, he was a member of the EPP Group Bu­reau. Prior to his membership of the European Parliament, Mr Balz held various positions at Commerzbank AG in Hanover, where he most recently headed the department for institu­tional clients.

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