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Andrzej Kopyrski

Andrzej Kopyrski

Vice President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polski

Andrzej Kopyrski is a graduate of Warsaw Institute of Technology and University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

He started his banking career in Bank Pekao S.A. in 1992. In the years 1993-1996 he worked in corporate banking in ING Bank Polska S.A. and later he headed structured finance operations in Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. and since 1997 till 2001 he was Director in ABN Amro Bank (Polska) in charge of structured finance and capital markets.

Since 2001 he held a position of Member of the Management Board in HSBC Financial Services (Poland). Since April 2002 he worked in Bank BPH S.A. as Managing Director responsible for Sales, Structured Finance and Capital Markets Area and after merger with Bank Pekao S.A. he took the responsibility for Investment Banking and Structured Finance Department.

In the years 2008 - 2018 he was the Vice President of the Management Board of Bank Pekao S.A. managing the corporate and investment banking operations. Then he worked at the Polish Development Fund (PFR), where he was responsible for the Investment Division, supervising capital investments and the support program for large companies.

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