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David Dadoun

David Dadoun

Managing Director, Microsoft

Dave Dadoun leads Microsoft’s global regulatory strategy for its cloud business in the financial services industry. His career has been focused on the intersection of regulation and technology, and been involved across in pioneering efforts to address complex regulatory requirements at a global scale. 
With more than 25 years of experience in leadership roles at the intersection of financial services, technology, and regulation, he has driven strategic initiatives with leading global financial institutions as well as with regulatory and legislative bodies worldwide, helping shape the discussion around key policy changes, and engaged in efforts to drive to modernization of regulation with the fast paced environment in technological innovation, and has played a mission-critical role in delivering both top-line growth and profitability.
He is responsible for driving Microsoft’s engagement with financial services regulators, and to help financial institutions meet their regulatory compliance needs.  He regularly meets with senior leaders of the top global banks to provide an overview about Microsoft’s regulatory compliance leadership, and working to solve the needs of financial institutions in driving digital transformation and use of cloud services. And he engages with top financial services regulators to educate about cloud, influence modernization of regulation, and seek to drive harmonized approaches on regulatory supervision across jurisdictions globally.
He has also led on the regulatory policy front to address emerging trends in technology and the intersection of regulation with paradigm shifts in digital innovation. This includes innovative approaches in dealing with regulations that have not kept pace with rapid changes in information technology, and how to be flexible and adaptable to meet such regulatory requirements. Over the past decade, this has included emerging approaches to regulation with cloud computing, as well as modernization of regulation in the financial services. Over the past six years, he has also led efforts across jurisdictions to address governance and regulation in Artificial Intelligence, providing input to authorities in Asia (Monetary Authority of Singapore), Europe (the ACPR in France and Dutch National Bank), as well as international bodies like the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors.. 
Prior to his current role, he served as the lead lawyer for Microsoft’s Financial Services Industry, and previously as general counsel for Microsoft’s Small Midmarket Solutions and Partner organization (a $20 billion dollar business). From 2001-2010 served as competition counsel for Microsoft, working on the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust case and follow-on European Commission case. During that time, he was appointed by the Microsoft Board to serve as the compliance officer under a federally mandated consent decree from 2002-2006, and then led antitrust counseling and defended the company in numerous competition investigations in Europe, residing in Paris, France from 2006-2010. 
He started his career with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Competition, as a staff attorney, leading work in technology, defense and pharmaceutical industries resulting in numerous enforcement actions and consent decrees, and receiving various meritorious awards for his work. He then transitioned to one of Seattle’s top law firms, building an antitrust and trade regulation practice, also focusing in technology and regulation. Among his clients was Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Shortly after being elected to a partner in his firm, he transitioned to Microsoft.

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