Aizat Rahim

Aizat Rahim

Managing Director, Dropee & Borong

Aizat Rahim is the Managing Director & Co-founder of - the largest B2B marketplace, e-procurement and e-commerce company in Malaysia & Southeast Asia. Dropee assists retailers, manufacturers, and wholesalers manage their supply chain digitally. Dropee helps SME businesses grow by providing access to qualified wholesalers, manufacturers and principals to source affordable quality products in a faster, cheaper, and reliable way. Dropee serves over 150,000 retailers, 28,000 brands with 2 million SKUs and partners with leading financial institutions to provide SME financing in their platform.

Before Dropee, he was also one of the founding partners of Infinite Ventures, a venture build organisation that was acquired by Kern Technology and co-founded Jobs4Locum, with another trade sale acquisition by MIMS Pte Ltd and sat as the board member for two years.

With experiences covering the supply chain, medical, travel, and tech investment industries, Aizat is a strong advocate of entrepreneurship - especially among the younger generations. Aizat hopes to create, contribute, and collaborate within ecosystems that have a high impact on community living and hopes to push humanity forward.

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