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Dariusz Szwed

Dariusz Szwed

President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polski

President of the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski. Dariusz Szwed has got almost 30 years’ experience in the financial sector. Since 2021, he was the Member of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego in which he recently supervised the area of business and banking operations, following supervising earlier the areas of IT, European funds and implementation of the internal pillar “Digital and process transformation, within bank’s strategy 2021-2025”.

In the years 2019 - 2021 he was the Vice President of the management board of Alior Bank, where he supervised the entire bank's business - sales and products for retail and business customers, treasury activities, private banking area and a brokerage office. At the same time, he was the president of the management board of Alior TFI. He was also a member of several committees, including the credit committee. Previously, since 1995, he worked in Santander Bank Polska, recently as the director of the private banking department, where he was responsible for supervision over comprehensive business activities, including operational, credit and reputational risk in this area. He also supervised the retail activity of the bank's brokerage office. He was also a member of the team managing the merger of Santander Bank Polska and the separated part of Deutsche Bank, where he was responsible for the analysis and implementation of business solutions in the merged bank.

Graduate of the banking and finance faculty of WSB University of Poznan in Poland and management faculty of Czestochowa University of Technology. He also holds a diploma from SGH Warsaw School of Economics in corporate finance management.

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