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David Craig

David Craig

Co-chair, Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

David Craig is co-chair of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD’s goal is to create a global risk management and disclosure framework for nature-related risk, ultimately re-directing financial flows to nature positive outcomes.  This goal was endorsed by the G7 and G20 groups in both 2021 and 2022, and following several interim releases the TNFD aims to deliver a production framework for market adoption in September 2023.

David has 30 years of experience in financial markets data and technology and is seen as a world expert in the data, technology and market infrastructure required to drive future sustainability. He is the founder of Natural Capital Technologies, providing news, information and insights for investing in technologies harnessing natural capital to drive sustainability.

David was the former CEO of Refinitiv, one of the largest data and technology platform providers to financial markets with revenues of over $6.4B. he was previously founder and CEO of the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) business and head of strategy at Thomson Reuters and Reuters plc. He spent 8 years as a partner at McKinsey focusing on technology and financial services clients.

David is an Executive Fellow at London Business School Strategy and Entrepreneurship faculty. He is co-chair of the India UK Financial Partnership for TheCityUK,  member of the City of London Competitiveness Advisory Board, member of the MAS ITAP (Monetary Authority of Singapore International Advisory Panel) and Sustainable Markets Advisory Board.

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