Carolina Minio Paluello

Carolina Minio Paluello

Chief Executive Officer, Arabesque AI

Carolina is the CEO of Arabesque AI. Prior to joining Arabesque AI, Carolina was Global Head of Product, Solutions & Quant at Schroders where she was a member of the Global Management Committee. She was involved in several technology projects, including mass customisation and blockchain technology to deliver personalised investment tokens.

In 2013, she joined Lombard Odier IM as Deputy CIO and Global Head of Solutions where she focused on sustainability long before it became a prominent trend. She led the integration of ESG across asset classes and built some of the first SDG-aligned thematic investment propositions for Private Wealth clients including Lombard Odier’s Private Bank.

Carolina has an extensive quant background and worked for almost a decade as a Managing Director in Bob Litterman’s quantitative team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, servicing mainly institutional clients. She started her quant journey more than 20 years ago with factor-based investing which has now evolved into more adaptive AI models.

Carolina holds a PhD in Finance from London Business School, an MBA in Finance from the Université Catholique de Louvain and a BSc in Economics from Université Libre de Bruxelles. Fluent in Italian, French, and English, Carolina's diverse interests encompass modern art, architecture, theatre, skiing, sailing, tennis, and rowing.

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