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Holger Neuhaus

Holger Neuhaus

Head Market Innovation & Integration Division, Directorate General Payments & Market Infrastructure, European Central Bank

Holger Neuhaus is Head of the European Central Bank's (ECB's) Market Innovation and Integration Division in the Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments. His Division develops the ECB/Eurosystem’s approach in relation to innovation and integration in the field of payments and post-trade services. In this context he chairs the Eurosystem internal work and a market contact group on settling wholesale financial transactions in central bank money in the presence of new technologies like DLT (aka wCBDC). 

Until November 2019 he headed the Money Market and Liquidity Division which provides market analysis of euro area money markets and ensures the execution of monetary policy through the Eurosystem’s open market operations and liquidity management. It also had a lead role in developing and transitioning to a new reference interest rate for the money market. 

He previously worked as Counsellor to the ECB’s Executive Board, headed the Financial Markets and Banking Statistics Section and was seconded to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as Senior Policy Advisor. 

Before joining the ECB he worked for the Deutsche Bundesbank and a portfolio management company, inter alia in the field of foreign reserve management and financial market research. Holger Neuhaus studied economics at the Universities of Essen and Toronto.

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