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Giuseppe Zingrillo

Giuseppe Zingrillo

Director General for Information Technology, Banca d'Italia

He was born in Rome in 1964 and graduated cum laude with a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome, with an experimental thesis on telematics.

He began working under contract as a researcher at the Ugo Bordoni Foundation in Rome, working on mathematical-statistical models for the simulation of high-performance computer networks and, as a co-author, published several articles in internationally renowned scientific journals.

After completing his military service as a non-commissioned officer in the Army Technical Corps, he joined the Bank of Italy in October 1991 and was assigned to the Telecommunications Division of the Information Processing and Systems Directorate, where he promoted and coordinated various initiatives for the development and strengthening of the Bank's telecommunications systems.

At international level, he participates in the design and implementation of the IT infrastructure of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Single Shared Platform for TARGET2. He is a member of various working groups and task forces at the European Central Bank for the implementation of ICT infrastructures and services to support the different business areas. From 2004 to 2013 he represented the Bank in the IT Network and Communication Working Group and in the Infrastructure Portfolio Management, Operations and Service Management Working Group.

In 2009, he was assigned to the Information Technology Innovation and Development Directorate (ISI) as Deputy Head of the IT User Solutions Division, and in 2011, he became Head of the Division. In this role, he set up a wide-ranging programme of initiatives to develop and disseminate collaboration and communication services and mobile computing tools to users.

In 2013, he was appointed Deputy Head of the ISI Directorate and represented the Bank on the Information Technology Committee of the ESCB; in March 2015, he became Head of the IT Development Directorate. As the person responsible for the Bank's IT projects, he follows, in particular, the TARGET Services development initiatives (the TARGET2-Securities, TIPS, and T2/T2S Consolidation projects) and promotes a broad programme for re-engineering the Bank's IT applications to support a number of areas, among which the State Treasury, the payments system, and monetary policy.

On 31 January 2020, he became Deputy Head of the Directorate General for Information Technology and he represents the Bank of Italy in the Group of Computer Experts of the Bank for International Settlements.

As of 1 March 2022, he is Head of the Directorate General for Information Technology.

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