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[Insights Forum] Innovative instruments driving digital inclusion

The challenge to improve digital inclusion for billions of people in emerging and developing markets is significant, and traditional financing mechanisms alone cannot address this challenge. Innovative financial instruments and guidelines are required, and an increasing number of innovative investment products aimed at fostering digital inclusion—such as equity earmarked for digital transformation and social bonds promoting digital connectivity—are being introduced to the market, aiming to mobilise the trillions of dollars needed to improve digital inclusion.

This roundtable aims to highlight successful case studies where financing has played a critical role in advancing digital inclusion and digital transformation. By showcasing these success stories, the session seeks to inspire investors and financial institutions to introduce and expand digital inclusion financing instruments. Additionally, the roundtable will provide a platform for industry consultation, addressing the challenges that limit investment in digitalisation, particularly from capital markets.

Attendees at this interactive session will gain, and have the opportunity to contribute to, practical insights into the effective implementation of financing products specifically designed to bridge the financial gap for marginalised communities and promote greater financial inclusion.


Cedric Rimaud

Cedric Rimaud

Deputy General Manager - Sustainability Solution Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

Mushtaq Kapasi

Mushtaq Kapasi

Managing Director, Chief Representative, Asia-Pacific, International Capital Market Association

Manu Panda

Manu Panda

Chief Operating Officer, Maya Bank

Dr Abhishek Agrawal

Dr Abhishek Agrawal

Managing Partner, Accion Digital Transformation Fund

Sopnendu Mohanty

Sopnendu Mohanty

Chief FinTech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore & Chair of the Board of Directors, Elevandi

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