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Programmable compliance – the future of integrating policy and regulation into tokenized assets and money

In a roundtable "Shaping the Future of Cross-border Transaction Compliance" held during the Singapore FinTech Festival in 2023, a major challenge identified was the increasing intricacy of sanctions screening and compliance with capital flow management measures. Additionally, participants highlighted the importance of developing interoperable and modular technological solutions that can adapt to various regulatory environments. The discussion introduced the concept of programmable compliance. This concept envisions smart contracts with embedded policy and regulatory implementations for digital assets, as a potential direction for the future. 

This roundtable will continue the dialogue on programable compliance with an emphasis on privacy-enhancing technologies such as zero-knowledge proofs and multi-party computation in the compliance context. The roundtable will also focus on the key efficiency gains emanating from Project Mandala, a BIS Innovation Hub initiative, which aims to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges of compliance requirements and data between financial institutions, utilising cryptographic proofs for verifiable compliance.

Key Discussion Points:
1. Enhancing Cross-Border Transaction Integrity: The roundtable will explore how programmable compliance can address challenges in ensuring consistent regulatory compliance across various jurisdictions, particularly in cross-border digital transactions.
2. Embedding Compliance into Digital Assets: A significant focus will be on the opportunities and challenges of incorporating compliance checks directly into digital assets through smart contracts, aiming to streamline and automate regulatory compliance processes.
3. Balancing Compliance and Data Privacy: Another key aspect will be the need to balance regulatory compliance with data privacy concerns, ensuring that programmable compliance mechanisms do not compromise sensitive information.
4. Overcoming Technological Barriers: The roundtable will delve into the technological hurdles of implementing programmable compliance in existing digital payment systems and how to design adaptable smart contracts that meet evolving regulatory requirements.


Alan Lim

Alan Lim

Director & Head, Financial Infrastructure and Artificial Intelligence Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Claudine Hurman

Claudine Hurman

Director of Innovation and Financial Market Infrastructures Directorate, Banque de France

Duckhyung Kim

Duckhyung Kim

Manager, Payment & Settlement Systems Department, Bank of Korea

Prof. Fabian Schär

Prof. Fabian Schär

Managing Director - Center for Innovative Finance, University of Basel

James MacNaughton

James MacNaughton

Senior Digital Currencies Developer, Reserve Bank of Australia

Dr Jay Prakash

Dr Jay Prakash

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Silence Laboratories

Jon Fink Isaksen

Jon Fink Isaksen

Head of Policy, EMEA, Uniswap Labs

Mike Truter

Mike Truter

Director, Regional Head of Industry Engagement (EMEA), Swift

Norasyikin Mohamad Razali

Norasyikin Mohamad Razali

Deputy Director, Central Bank of Malaysia

Siddharth Shetty

Siddharth Shetty

Co-creator, Finternet & Co-founder, Sahamati

Prof. Srdjan Vukmirovic

Prof. Srdjan Vukmirovic

Professor Faculty of Technical Sciences, Ethernal DOO

Tatsuya Sugiura

Tatsuya Sugiura

Advisor, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund

Toh Wee Kee

Toh Wee Kee

Global Head of Business Architecture for Coin Systems, J.P. Morgan

Xavier Lavayssière

Xavier Lavayssière

Digital Finance Expert, International Monetary Fund

Xue Tan

Xue Tan

Head of Business Development, Asia, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)


Friedrich Klinger

Friedrich Klinger

Advisor, BIS Innovation Hub - Singapore Centre

Sonja Davidovic

Sonja Davidovic

Advisor, BIS Innovation Hub - Singapore Centre


Maha El Dimachki

Maha El Dimachki

Centre Head, BIS Innovation Hub - Singapore Centre

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