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Elizabeth Genia

Elizabeth Genia

Acting Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea

Ms Elizabeth Genia has nearly four (4) decades experience with the Bank of Papua New Guinea. Much of that time has been in senior level roles across a wide range of the Bank’s responsibilities, including positions as Head of Internal Audit Department and Financial and Administration Department and the leading supervisory role with the Bank’s strategic planning team.

More recently Ms Genia held the position of Assistant Governor, Corporate Affairs Group, responsible for the critical functions that support the Bank’s overall operation, including strategy and risk management, human resources, corporate services, information and communication technology, facilities and properties management.

Over the course of her career in the Bank, Ms Genia has attained broad business experience in finance, auditing, corporate governance, strategic planning, risk management, administration, policy development, all underpinning her deep knowledge of central banking. As a member of the Bank’s Executive Committee for many years, she has been involved in key decision-making affecting the Bank’s day to day operations as well as future development.

Ms Genia, has built a strong reputation both within PNG and internationally as a thought-leader in financial technology as well as gender equity issues. She is a sought-after guest speaker on these topics.

Her impressive formal qualifications include a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of PNG, a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Queensland, Australia, Graduate Award Certificate in Management and Organisational Change from Australian National University, Canberra and specialised studies sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat in Financial Technology and Innovation at Oxford University, United Kingdom.

With a strong commitment to continuous learning and development, Ms Genia is an active member of several professional bodies, including the PNG Business Coalition for Women, for which she held a board position. Other Professional affiliations include: Member PNGID; Member of PNGIA; Member of ILA; Member of PNGHRI; Member of ISACA; Member of AHRI; and Associate Member of AICD.

In late January 2023 Ms Elizabeth Genia was appointed to the position of Acting Governor of the Bank of Papua New Guinea by the PNG National Executive Council.

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