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David Hardoon

Dr David Hardoon

Group Chief Data and AI Officer, Union Bank of the Philippines & Chief Executive Officer, Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI)

Prior to his current roles David was Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) first appointed Chief Data Officer and Head of Data Analytics Group reporting to the agency Deputy Managing Director for Financial Supervision and subsequently Special Advisor (Artificial Intelligence) reporting to Deputy Managing Director for Markets and Development. In these roles he led the development of the AI strategy both for MAS and Singapore’s financial sector as well as driving efforts in promoting open cross-border data flows. Concurrently David was an external advisor to Singapore's Corrupt Investigation Practices Bureau (CPIB) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Artificial Intelligence) and to Singapore's Central Provident Fund Board (CPF) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Data Science). David holds a PhD in Computer Science in the field of Machine Learning from the University of Southampton and graduated from Royal Holloway University of London with First Class Honors B.Sc. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. 

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